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Random Stuffs In My Head

Hey hey, it's me again.
I only write several hours ago but I kinda feel like I got lots of rants and I gotta write.
Well, I actually one of the prom committee but I feel like they never listen to me. I feel like I'm invisible and they just turn their back on me. It definitely hurts. Just a couple hours ago, one of them text me. Well, if she just texts me, I won't be ranting here. The thing is, she texts me the way Miranda Priestly texts. By the way, Miranda doesn't text, but whatever.
Do you think I'm Andy? You don't even pay me.
Every time I hanging out, they rarely notice that I'm hanging out with them. Usually if I'm gone they'll be saying, "Well, you just somehow disappear and we think we could do nothing about it."
But the same sentence was never being used if one of them was missing. They'll phone her, search her, ask people about her, and phone her again. Until she finally showed up. Even if she's being late for hours. I felt so unimportant and wasted. Sometimes I feel like my life is a one big hell of a joke. Joke for laughter.
Close the tab if you're bored enough to read this. Well, if you haven't, congratulations.
Strangely, sometimes I feel grateful I'll move to a dorm and will never see their face anymore. Sometimes, I feel thankful to know that everything will be over soon enough and then there were none. They mock me when I fail, turn their back on me when I'm in trouble, but will come to me every time I had something nice. They use me.
Well, I started to ignore everything, Started to stop caring for things anymore. I don't give a fuck anymore. I feel like it's better to stay at home, go to codecademy and do something with those languages.
Okay, this may sounds weird because this topic is definitely so far apart from my main rant, but do you know deep web? Oh God, that thing keeps thrill me off. You know that kind of movie where the hacker goes to the black market, selling drugs and weapons. Well, it is actually exist and I feel like it's kinda thrilling to see the deep web. The part of the world wide web you haven't seen. The web where hacker coming in and out. Some people said it ain't fun. It's not that kind of internet that we usually have. There are no Facebook, or Twitter, or Pinterest, or Google, or anything. There's no link. Well, there actually some links, but people said it's a different kind of link from what we use here in the surface web. Well, to make it easier to understand, I'll give you a pic of it.

Can I access the deep web? Sure you could. But make sure you use the Tor browser and browse anonymously. If you have a webcam, you better close it.

If you want to know it more clearly, take alook at this answer from Quora. Link will be appeared at the bottom of the post.
"Deep web" is distinct from "dark web". The "dark web" is the encrypted network that exists between Tor servers and their clients, whereas the "deep web" is simply the content of databases and other web services that for one reason or another cannot be indexed by conventional search engines.

Here be dragons
Neither the deep web nor the dark web can be indexed, but not all that cannot be indexed is the dark web. For purposes of this question, I assume you want the dark web - that much-hyped, mysterious place that the media would have you believe is a wretched hive of scum and villainy where you'd be well-served to shoot first if you hope to survive. Activists will tell you it's our last, best hope for privacy and free speech, all alone in the night.
As with most things, the truth falls somewhere in between. But you didn't come here for analysis, you came here for instructions. Fair enough.
First of all, if you want anyone who matters to take you seriously, drop the "dark/deep web" thing. What you want to access are sites using the Tor Hidden Service Protocol. It works over regular Tor (anonymity network), but instead of having your traffic routed from your computer and through an onion-like layer of servers, it stays within the Tor network. You won't know exactly what system you're accessing unless they tell you, and they won't know who you are unless they do - or unless one of you is careless.

But given that you're the one starting out and they're the ones running hidden services, they kind of have you at a disadvantage if you screw up. Fortunately, the tales of people having their lives ruined by browsing the wrong sites and being hunted by mafiosi bent on silencing them for having witnessed a mob hit inexplicably streamed online are massively overblown. At most, you might find yourself mercilessly trolled, get pizzas ordered to your door, or if you're particularly unfortunate, get Swatted.

The simplest way to start using Tor is to download the Tor browser bundle (assuming you're on Windows). You can get it at: Tor Browser. You can find installation instructions for Tor on other operating systems on the same page.
Once it's installed and launched, the browser should connect automatically to the Tor network. From there, you can use a directory of certain hidden services to get started. Some of these directories include:

These sites may contain links to illegal services and are provided for informational purposes only. If you're scammed or get yourself into trouble, your recourse against the people you've dealt with is likely to be limited at best.
Now that you know how to get your feet wet - or dirty - you might want to check out my answer to "Is it safe to browse the deep / dark web?"
Stay safe out there.
